Our Projects

Our Focus

The lab is focusing on near-infrared intra-operative sentinel lymph node imaging in patients with lung cancer and in the application of new compounds and drug delivery technologies to prevent cancer recurrence and metastasis. These clinical interests and projects have expanded the research, leading to multiple collaborative manuscripts in:

  • Near-infrared imaging

  • Lymphatic mapping

  • Targeting of locoregional malignant disease

  • Polymer-mediated drug delivery using flexible drug-eluting films, meshes and polymer nanoparticles

Navigational bronchoscopy-guided sentinel lymph node mapping in non-small cell lung cancer.

NB-guided lesion localization for NIR+ “tattoo,” NIR lymphatic migration, and in situ NIR+ SLN identification for in-depth pathologic analysis, NB, Navigational bronchoscopy; NIR, near-infrared; SLN, sentinel lymph node.

Current NCI/NIH Funded Projects

Supratherapeutic PTX Buttresses Reduce Locoregional Recurrence Rates Following Surgery for Soft Tissue Sarcomas

Biodegradable, Biocompatible Pressure Sensitive Adhesives

Optimization of Nanoparticle Tumor-Localization and Drug-Loading for Treating Mesothelioma

Suprahydrophobic Dual Drug Buttresses for Prevention of Lung Tumor Recurrence

Precise tumor targeting with logic CAR circuits